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Ruarri Spurgeon


eet Ruarri Spurgeon, Director and Co-founder of RVT, who, alongside Tom, established this dynamic enterprise in 2019. Under their leadership, RVT has swiftly emerged as the ‘one to watch’ in the IT channel. An achievement that speaks volumes about the remarkable team they’ve nurtured.

Beyond the boardroom, Ruarri is a passionate surfing enthusiast. He finds solace in riding the waves around his home in Cornwall, where he cherishes the serene connection with the sea. It’s in these moments of mindfulness that he recharges and maintains balance in the fast-paced world of technology.

Ruarri’s leadership not only propels RVT forward but also reflects his holistic approach to well-being, mindfulness, and technological excellence. His vision and values continue to inspire our team and drive RVT’s success.

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