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Connectivity & Collaboration

The workplace is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and digital transformation is a necessity for businesses aiming to thrive in the modern era. RVT is at the forefront of empowering organisations to embrace the future of work with our Modern Workplace solution offering. This encompasses a range of cutting-edge connectivity and collaboration services designed to enable seamless communication, enhance productivity, and connect teams, customers, and partners across the globe.

The Digital Transformation Imperative

The workplace is no longer confined to physical offices, and employees are distributed across various locations. To adapt to this changing landscape, organisations require innovative technology solutions that foster connectivity and collaboration like never before.

Microsoft 365: Empowering Productivity

At the heart of our Modern Workplace offering is Microsoft 365, a suite of powerful tools and applications that empower teams to work smarter, not harder. With Microsoft 365, your organisation gains access to a comprehensive set of cloud-based services that enable seamless communication, collaboration, and productivity.

Key Features of Microsoft 365:
  • Microsoft Teams: Unify your communication and collaboration efforts with Microsoft Teams. It offers chat, video conferencing, file sharing, and integrations with other Microsoft apps, fostering real-time collaboration among team members.
  • SharePoint: Create, share, and manage content with ease using SharePoint. It provides a secure platform for document storage, collaboration, and version control. Many businesses use the power of SharePoint to power their internal communication often creating company intranets and linked communication services.
  • OneDrive for Business: Access, share, and sync your files from anywhere with OneDrive. It ensures that your team always has the latest version of their documents at their fingertips.
  • Outlook: Streamline your email communication and calendar management with Outlook, making it easier to stay organised and connected.
Modern Meeting Spaces: Enhancing Collaboration

In today’s digital workplace, meetings no longer happen solely within the confines of a conference room. RVT’s Modern Workplace solution extends to creating innovative meeting spaces that are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to facilitate remote collaboration. These modern meeting spaces are designed to enhance conversations, increase engagement, and boost productivity. We are well versed in the technologies required and are vendor agnostic so can always advise on solutions that follow your defined company standards.

Unified Communications: Bridging the Gap

Unified Communications (UC) is the cornerstone of enhanced collaboration in the modern workplace. RVT leverages UC to bridge the gap between dispersed teams, enabling them to communicate effortlessly regardless of their physical location. UC brings together voice, video, chat, and collaboration tools into a single, integrated platform, ensuring that your team remains connected and productive.

Workload Management for a Connected Business

In a fully connected business environment, managing workloads and resources becomes paramount. RVT’s Modern Workplace solution includes workload management tools that empower organisations to optimise their operations. Whether it’s task management, project planning, or resource allocation, we provide the tools and expertise to streamline your workflows.

Embrace the Future with RVT

The workplace of tomorrow is here today, and RVT can be your trusted partner in navigating this transformative journey. Our Modern Workplace solution offering, with its focus on connectivity, collaboration, and productivity, ensures that your organisation is well-equipped to thrive into the future.

Connect with us today to discover how RVT can empower your organisation with the tools, services, and expertise needed to succeed in the ever-evolving world of work. Together, we’ll embrace the future, wherever your teams are based, and create a fully connected business that drives innovation, efficiency, and growth.